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Candidate Experience
Benchmarks & Insights

Prioritise your recruitment investment

Welcome to TalentEcho, where we specialise in providing Candidate Experience Benchmarks & Insights. Our real-time data empowers you to elevate your recruitment and onboarding processes, enhancing your ability to attract and retain talent.

While a few organisations already measure Candidate Experience they don’t have the ability to benchmark themselves against other New Zealand companies. Whether you are just starting to venture into measurement and insights or looking to extend what you already have, let us help you. We not only provide you with customisable survey templates and implementation support, but real-time data on how you are doing, and enable you to benchmark yourself against others through our easy-to-use dashboard.

In an ever-increasing talent scarce market measuring candidate experience for both successful and unsuccessful candidates is crucial to understand how they perceive and experience the recruitment process:

  • What does the modern candidate look for and expect during the hiring process?

  • What are the exact moments in the recruitment process that matter most to your applicants and employees?

  • Is your employment brand impacting your consumer brand?

Understanding and comparing your service against others can provide valuable insights that can enable you to improve your candidate experience, stay ahead of your competitors and make more informed decisions of where to invest in your recruitment process.

Why Measure
Candidate Experience?

Measuring candidate experience is critical for several reasons:

Increase candidate & employee retention:

A positive recruitment and onboarding experience can increase the likelihood of a candidate accepting your offer and staying long-term

Enhance your recruitment and
onboarding process

Learn where your bottlenecks are and make changes with insightful data to inform where your process is not optimal, and what needs to be prioritised and invested in

Improve your employer brand

Research shows the way candidates are treated during a hiring process can significantly impact the perception of a companies employer brand. Candidates will equally share the positive AND negative experiences with their inner circle and on social media

Lower recruitment costs

Leverage identified opportunities to continue streamlining your process and/or resources, targeting your recruitment budget, all to deliver a better return on your recruitment investment

Your Dashboard

Why TalentEcho?


By Sector, By Industry, by Company Size… Find out how you are doing against those you are competing for talent for!

Quick and Easy

TalentEcho is designed to be deployed effortlessly with a range of Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS). Start gaining insights in less than 24 hours.

Customised Surveys for the Kiwi Market

Use our automated pre-built candidate experience surveys with your brand, specifically designed for each stage of the recruitment process.


No candidate data is kept in TalentEcho, ensuring those pesky data privacy concerns disappear.

Our Pricing

All of our plans include:

  • Unlimited survey responses
  • Pre-built surveys for onboarding, successful candidates and unsuccessful candidate
  • Up to two custom questions per survey
  • Ability to brand surveys

Small - Medium businesses

Less than 500 FTE or under 50 hires per annum

$1200 Annual Subscription

Save $300 per year

$125 Monthly Subscription

Large businesses

Greater than 500 FTE or over 50 hires per annum

$2500 Annual Subscription

Save $200 per year

$225 Monthly Subscription

About Us

TalentEcho is a New Zealand-based company focused on delivering innovative solutions for candidate and employee experience benchmarking.

Our team has reviewed, designed, and led recruitment practices across the globe, always looking to put the candidate experience first.

Carly Drury


Carly is an experienced recruitment leader with a proven record of working with organisations across NZ, APAC and Europe to build and optimise talent acquisition functions. Unfortunately, Carly has seen some terrible recruitment outcomes and is committed to playing her part in helping organisations do better hence the birth of TalentEcho!

Mash Vallabh


Mash has a national reputation as a recruitment strategist, with extensive experience in the review and re-architecture of recruitment models. He is regarded as an expert in the benchmarking of recruitment function performance, as well as prioritising recruitment opportunities based on their strategic impact and return on investment.

Nick Walshe


Nick is a technical co-founder of multiple businesses in HR & Recruitment. He has extensive experience consulting across the private and public sector on people technology and data. Nick is responsible for TalentEcho's tech stack and development.


If you have any questions or would like to learn more about TalentEcho, please get in touch with us using the contact form.

TalentEcho is a New Zealand-based company focused on delivering innovative solutions for candidate and employee experience benchmarking.

Our team has designed, built and led recruitment practices across the globe, always putting the candidate experience first.